Wow. I have not posted here since August. I do have a pretty good reason, though. I wrote a book!
One of my interest is faculty development. We are good at training doctors, but they often do not have the skills (or knowledge of what they need) to succeed as a faculty member in a College of Medicine. After advising folks for several years, developing content, and hanging out with others who have similar interests, I decided to set all that wisdom down.
Yes, it’s a book for a small niche market, and it’s only about 10,000 words. It’s still a book, and holding it makes me feel more published than any paper I have put out in the scientific literature!
Learn more about The Promotion Game: Your Guide to Success in the Academic Medical Center at the website.
We are doing home hemo. Husband has PKD. Binder question:we were told today binders only remove organic phosphorous, not that in processed foods. Trying to rsearch the topic in order to decide best way to reduce phosphorus levels. Diet is already highly restricted. Having trouble finding info on what phosphorous binders do or do not remove? Thanks for any help.